Claris FileMaker Development & Aaron’s Journey

by Danielle Borges - Marketing & Sales Director

Meet Aaron, Codence’s rockstar who seamlessly blends the worlds of music, technology, and Claris FileMaker development. In this Spotlight interview, Aaron takes us on a fascinating journey from his early days as an IT manager grappling with outdated databases to his current role as a Managing Director. Let’s dive in and uncover the secrets behind Aaron’s harmonious success.

Share your career path and how you transitioned into your current role?

My career path began in a rather unconventional manner, but it’s also quite typical when you talk with others in the Claris FileMaker community. I was working as an IT manager for a large nonprofit organization that relied on a soon-to-be outdated database system called Helix. Apple was getting ready to release OSX, and Helix Technologies had decided not to port their software from MacOS 9 to OSX. After a talk with the Executive Director — who mentioned FileMaker to me for the first time — I decided to take a couple of courses in FileMaker at a local community college; a decision that altered the course of my life.

The more I worked with Claris FileMaker development, the more I realized its potential and versatility, which other languages at the time couldn’t match. It allowed me to be very creative and solve problems that I had not imagined were possible without a major investment of time and money from my company. Most notably, the amazing Claris FileMaker community loved to share solutions they created to solve complex problems. Claris FileMaker itself, with its focus on ease of use, initially drew me in, but the FileMaker community sealed the deal. I was able to build sophisticated solutions rapidly, which continued to spark my enthusiasm for the platform. This newly discovered passion led me to a job offer from my college instructor’s company, and then to opening my own consultancy focusing on Claris FileMaker development. It wasn’t long before I recognized that I wanted to focus full-time on database development. I submitted an application and a sample of my work to a well-known Claris partner that hired me, and I’ve never looked back. I will never forget reading articles in FileMaker Advisor magazine (which I could actually purchase at my local grocery store at the time) and then finding myself working for some of the most influential developers in the Claris FileMaker space. Thinking back on it now, it’s a little funny, but I was a little starstruck to be working for people like Bob Bowers, Scott Love, and Steve Lane. That’s also where I found that I was surrounded by many really amazing developers and always had someone I could lean on when I was struggling to find an answer. Fast forward 15 or so years, and I now work with Danny Mack, another very well known leader in the Claris FileMaker space and whose company at the time, New Millenium, had created a product called Meta Data Magic that I used exclusively to do FileMaker conversions.

Over the years I’ve worked in a variety of roles: Developer, Senior Developer, Technical Lead, Project Manager, and now as a Managing Director. Each role has offered me many lessons and I’ve had my mistakes along the way, but in all cases I was supported by those I worked with and by those I reported to. I think I was lucky to have managers who really got to know me and created opportunities that catered to my strengths. That’s really how my path has led me to where I am today.

What attracted you to FileMaker development, and what do you find most fulfilling about working with this platform?

What initially attracted me to Claris FileMaker development was its ease-of-use tool suite with an unparalleled ability to enable rapid development while also letting me tap into my creative side. Beyond that, there was the support of a thriving community of like-minded, smart developers who were happy to lend a hand when I encountered issues. Even though it’s been 20+ years, the same is still true today.

What has been your favorite project involving Claris FileMaker development?

One of the most interesting and challenging projects I had the pleasure of working on was a production tool that completely transformed the way a manufacturer conducted its business. This project was a true game-changer, driving significant improvements in both profitability and operational efficiency. On the surface, it involved taking a paper (handwritten) process and moving it to a much more automated process, leveraging technology in ways that had not been thought of. But it also opened up options that were not possible previously. What made it particularly rewarding was the impact it had on their decision-making processes and their bottom line.

It was one of those moments in my career where I was able to realize the true potential of Claris FileMaker as a platform — not just in solving immediate technical problems, but in enabling substantial, long-term business transformation that impacted many areas of business. The application focused specifically on automating the manufacturing process, and identifying bottlenecks that affected profit while highlighting what was necessary to improve it. I still work very closely with this client and love seeing how what we created is such a vital part of how they do business. 

What strategies do you employ to ensure client satisfaction and project success?

One of the most critical components is maintaining consistent, transparent communication with clients. Regular recurring meetings with all appropriate stakeholders is essential. An ongoing dialogue ensures that everyone is aligned and fosters a path to resolving potential issues proactively. Every project has challenges, and while clear, open communication is supremely important, we also need to provide options that give our clients choices for next steps when challenges surface. We need to embrace tough conversations and communicate often about any risks we see, budget challenges, and provide clear communication around the work we are doing. Everyone, the project team and client stakeholders, needs to be on the same page. While tough, it’s better to be proactive about anything that is impacting the project. We really want to partner with our clients, and true partnership is demonstrated by how we deal with the challenges we encounter.

How do you foster a collaborative and innovative environment?

This is an interesting question, and I guess I think of it a little differently. When we hire someone, we’re certainly looking at their strengths and deciding if and how those strengths will address what we are looking for. But it’s equally important to find someone who is open to sharing their expertise with others, listening to — and being respectful of — differing opinions, and focused on making the team stronger. I think we have done a good job of finding people that fit this profile, highlighted by our very low turnover. Danny started this company almost 30 years ago, and we still have a few folks who are here today that were here in the very beginning.

Innovation is slightly different, and I admit it’s both crucial and at times a struggle to find time for. We work in a field that is changing more rapidly every day, and I think we all recognize that it’s important to stay on the cutting edge where possible.

Some of the innovation comes from team members such as Laura Bowyer who created an amazing FileMaker to QuickBooks tool that greatly – and I mean GREATLY – simplifies the integration effort to connect front end FileMaker solutions to QuickBooks, or Cristos Lianides-Chin and Charlie Bailey working very closely with Claris on the latest AI technology advances (among other interesting pursuits), and some comes from work on tools that enable even more powerful and rapid development, such as the work Jody Barney has done leveraging DataTables, or other team members such as Ivan Granger being instrumental in creating a tool — Security Administrator — to automatically manage user accounts across multiple FileMaker files; there’s a lot of contributions from many of our team and there are always ideas in our queue. We also have a weekly nerd-out meeting where folks meet to discuss various development challenges and possible solutions. It is a balance, and we’re not always great at it, but we have a smart, creative, and an invested group of people here who love what they do which is where I think innovation originates from.

With diverse interests and commitments, how do you maintain a healthy work-life balance?

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance amidst demanding commitments is challenging but also important. For me, it’s music. Whether by myself or with my band, musical creativity serves as a crucial outlet for me. I have many instruments around my home, and I frequently pick one up and play — sometimes for a few minutes to relieve some stress and sometimes for hours at a time when writing songs for my own projects or for my band. It’s helpful to have an interest that keeps your focus in the moment, and playing music does this for me. I’m in my best place when I’m on stage. Nothing is better than seeing a few hundred people in the audience dancing to the music my band is playing. I always come away from a performance exhausted and rejuvenated.

Ultimately, I believe that a healthy work-life balance is about making time for activities that nurture one’s soul and mind, but also through disciplined scheduling and boundary-setting.

Do you see any parallels between music composition/performance and FileMaker development/consulting?

I see numerous parallels between music composition and performance, Claris FileMaker development and software consulting. Both fields require a blend of creativity and problem-solving skills. In music, I’m tasked with creating a piece that resonates with a listener, often requiring the solving of problems related to harmony, rhythm, and melody to craft a cohesive and engaging composition. Similarly, in software development, I’m solving complex problems to develop functional, efficient, and user-friendly applications that meet specific client needs.

Both disciplines demand varying degrees of structure, planning, and, of course, creativity. In music, whether composing or performing, creativity is at the forefront of the songwriting process. This includes figuring out a song’s structure, what instruments to use, where the verse and chorus should go, and where solos fit in—an element that we often enjoy debating (how many is just right?). This mirrors the software development process, where adherence to a structured methodology — gathering requirements, planning, designing, developing, and testing — is essential for delivering successful outcomes. Moreover, both music and Claris FileMaker development thrive on continuous iteration and refinement. A composer revisits a piece many times, tweaking elements to perfect the sound, just as a developer iterates over code to enhance functionality and performance. This iterative process stems from an unwavering commitment to excellence and the desire to create standout results.

How do you approach problem-solving in your work, whether it’s developing FileMaker solutions or composing music?

I start by making sure I understand the objective(s); whether that be in management, software development, or creating a new musical composition. Understanding the objectives and being clear on the desired outcomes is essential. That’s where the journey for us, and our clients, begins, and where clear process and open communication become essential.

Are there any lessons you’ve learned along the way that you wish you had known earlier in your career?

I can sum this up in a few words; standardized processes and consistency. We have worked – and continue to work – hard at improving how we manage client relationships, what we expect our development teams to do as they work on projects and communicate internally, and finding opportunities for efficiency gains in all we do. Sometimes this has to do with a defined process that includes what should be communicated with our clients, at what interval, and how it needs to be documented, and sometimes it has to do with what documentation we want a developer to maintain when performing a task. The end result should ultimately help us better support and partner with our clients. If I could go back in time, I would implement many of today’s processes way back when.

What trends or shifts do you foresee in our industry in the near future?

One of the most significant trends I see in the industry — and I know this will come as a shock to many — is the increasing impact of artificial intelligence (AI). Companies are still in the early stages of understanding how to leverage AI effectively, but it’s clear that its influence will be one of the most impactful, perhaps since the invention of the Internet. We strive to be at the forefront of this, which brings its own set of challenges but also opens doors for us and, more importantly, for our clients.

Thank you for taking the time to engage with us. We’d also like to extend our gratitude to Aaron for sharing his valuable insights.

As you reflect on these lessons, remember to embrace new challenges, support your team, and strive for excellence. We can’t wait to see how you apply these principles in your journey ahead.


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